"Aweco Polska Appliance Sp. z o.o." sp. k. conducts a project under designation " Energy-saving hybrid flow management system for dishwashers with water and heat recovery technology”
The aim of the project is to develop and prepare for implementation an innovative product for the non-industrial dishwasher market - an integrated, module-based water flow management system. The result of the Project will be an advanced, integrated, modular system of water flow management in household dishwashers, influencing comprehensively the improvement of energy management of the washing process.
The overall value of the project is 17 079 779.12 PLN, of which the contribution from the European Funds amounts to: 8 932 964.34 PLN




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"Aweco Polska Appliance Sp. z o.o." sp. k. conducts a project under designation " Energy-saving hybrid flow management system for dishwashers with water and heat recovery technology”
The aim of the project is to develop and prepare for implementation an innovative product for the non-industrial dishwasher market - an integrated, module-based water flow management system. The result of the Project will be an advanced, integrated, modular system of water flow management in household dishwashers, influencing comprehensively the improvement of energy management of the washing process.
The overall value of the project is 17 079 779.12 PLN, of which the contribution from the European Funds amounts to: 8 932 964.34 PLN